TOB: Fulfilling the Eschatological...
TOB: Fulfilling the Eschatological...
Cost: $50/person
Date: February 28 - March 2, 2025
Location: Marello Youth Retreat Center - 6530 Wells Ave, Loomis
Start Time: Friday, 4:30 PM, check-in begins
End Time: Sunday, 1:30 PM, after Mass has ended and chairs have been put away.
Sunday Mass: Mass @ 12:30 PM in the Center. Families are welcome!
For 9th-12th Grade
On this retreat we will take time to consider the following...
Who We Are
The New Adam & Eve
Masculinity & Femininity
Right & Disordered Desire
Recognizing Beauty
How We Should Live
Amidst considering Theology of the Body we will take time for prayer, as a group and individually. All for the sake of growing in relationship with God.
Since we are deep diving into TOB this retreat is a special opportunity. We will be taking more time than usual to do activities and discuss things that bring out our masculinity and femininity.
As brothers and sisters in Christ one way we can build each other up is through challenging and supporting one another. On this retreat we will take time for small group discussion to work towards that goal.
No retreat is complete without time for games! High energy, competitive, and sometimes strange. It'll be tons of fun!

Man must learn “to be the authentic master of his own innermost impulses, like a watchman who watches over a hidden spring, and finally able to draw from all these impulses what is fitting for ‘purity of heart’”
-TOB 48:3
The retreat has reached capacity and our registrations are closed. Thank you for all your support and prayers!